Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fourth Quarter 2015....Really need to get dones!

Yes...I said "dones" as in lots of WIPs or UFOs...the unfinished!

First...third quarter finish round up.
The only finish that remains at home is the Ferris Wheel mini in the upper left!  So freeing!
Above is the only carry over from last quarter.  This one is a priority!
Leftover HSTs from the flying geese runner.
 A top....for no reason at all.
 Last leftover top from Angled Frames tutorial....finally!
 Salesman sample batiks...had an idea...need to get to it!
Of all...I think what is below is the most challenging project I hope to finish....
...still trying to teach myself how to knit.  See all the yarn rewound? 
Multiple starts and restarts!
(Bunting flag swap....thanks to all my fellow swappers...she loved it!:)
Here's hoping for a productive quarter both crafting and winter gardening!
Happy Boo Month!

1 comment:

  1. You have to be pleased with all of those finished items....well done. knitting takes practice ( just like most crafts) so keep going.
