It started with Green Tea and Sweet Beans.
No, not the foods....the quilt pattern.
Then I saw the quilt in person at the 2014 Fat Quarter Retreat in London while at a class with said enabler. I learned some good tricks. Enough that I felt comfortable giving it a try.
But then I saw Bring Me Flowers, The Circle Game, Gardenvale Stars AND Jen's newest book Quilt Lovely (almost wrote loverly!) I was torn. There was no way I could (or would) ever do all those quilts. While pondering with itchy fingers something magical came to the shop!
Gardenvale the fabric line arrived and I was a goner!

Beginning of May the first stitches were sewn and teases were shown with the above peeks.
It was very easy combining Gardenvale with loads of other fabrics for that scrappy look.
Thought I was done then Quilt Lovely came to our shop.
Glitter, Mrs. Bannister's Stars, She Loves You, Home Run and Flea Market Dash called to me.
Make me....make me....make me...make me....make me too!
So I did. Over half of all the blocks in this quilt were done using
English paper piecing and applique.
Next brilliant idea was to hand quilt it all. Not one of my best since it's been averaging over 90 degrees (32.2C for you peeps across the pond) most days and we don't have our window air conditioners in yet!
Quilting it in sections using
size 12 Perle cotton kept the quilt sandwiches smaller. This way I didn't have so much draped across my lap.
(Doe and Succulent on the back)
Before sewing on the bottom section I accidentally trimmed off the piece that was supposed to be turned under and blind stitched hence that loooooong skinny strip of yellow! If anyone asks I'll say I meant to do that. You'll keep my secret right?:)
Medley of Jen!
Had the MOST fun stitching and appliqueing.
Putting the puzzle together in a pleasing way.
Hand quilting, hand quilting, hand quilting and then of course a nice wash and dry up!
Crinkly goodness at it's very best!
If you are there go say hi!!:)
PS.....I'll be at Houston too!!!:)