Sunday, February 5, 2017

Almost been a year!!!

Really neglected this blog....I blame Instagram! It's just too easy to post there....also our computer bit the dust and we are using a hand-me-down from our girl.  That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!:)

Ok..since the last post I did back in March 2016 was about the Mini Mania Challenge let's just start there!  Do you remember that this is a monthly challenge to sharpen skills and take us out of our comfort zone?  Come join us!:)

Here we go....

Challenge #14 Drunkards Path's tiny!

#15 Cathedral Windows
The letter "D"!:)

#16 Seeing Stars

#17 Seminole
Another tiny one....I was lazy!

#18 Dresden Plate
Love that ombre background!

#19 Flying Geese
Be on the lookout for this one again!;)

#20 Joseph's Coat
Ticker Tape style!

#21 Applique 
Used a lot of leftover EPP shapes.

And now getting up to date...
#22 Our House...
...or a wee village of them!  This mini flew away to New Jersey as part of the first ever 
Modern Quilt Guild Swap and I'm excited to say....

I'm going to QuiltCon East 2017 in Savannah, Georgia!! 

Ahhhhh....glad to be back!


  1. Glad you're back! It's true, Instagram has killed off many blogs but I do feel a bit sentimental about mine. Must update it soon ! Those Mini's look great together X

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