Sunday, September 12, 2010

ORBC Round 8 and Earl Didn't Keep Us Away!

We've started Round 8, Lucky Charms, at the Old Red Barn Quilt Along...
I'm going to learn more about applique this time around....I need the learning!:)
We are using a charm pack and a few extras....I'm using Moda Pure....LOve it!:)

This month at the Bitty Block Committee we have a Halloween is my contribution. Remember these are 3.5 inch squares!;)
I needed to make a birthday present for my SIL. I thought I would make a hotpad and used some of the Pure scraps for one and 8 of my mistake triangles from my Mystery Quilt for the other. I gave Lu the one on the left. I have 52 mistake triangles left!
Thursday, Sept 2, Hurricane Earl was already spreading his clouds up to northern Virginia and we headed down to my parents house since they had been evacuated from OBX. Luckily there wasn't a direct hit...just a grazing.
Two days later Hwy 12 reopened and we headed out...with thousands of our closest beach friends. What should have been a 3 1/2 hour drive from my parents turned out to be a 6 hour drive with the last 25 miles taking 2 1/2 hours because of the sand and water over Hwy 12 on Pea Island. I'm driving the white Bronco and Don is pulling my parents 5th wheeler in front of me. He had A/C....I didn't!
It was all worth it, the beach was amazing after the storm and I have never seen so many shells! We collected a couple bags worth to put a flower bed.
Going to the beach AFTER Labor Day....what do you think?!;)


  1. Cool quilts!

    And I was hoping I'd see some beach pictures. =)

  2. beautiful pictures! makes me long for the beach [our only 'coast' is Lake Erie haha] love how the lucky charms quilt is turning out.

  3. Ooooh ... LOVE pure! I have a stack here waiting for me... Just searching for that 'perfect' pattern... Shame to waste it! Love your hotpad too. Glad Earl was a whisperer rather than a roarer and your parents are ok. That beach looks amazing...

  4. Love that tiny Halloween square - sooo cute! And all your lovely photos, what an amazing sunset!
