Sunday, January 18, 2015

Fourth Finish &

I love it so!
 I love this Ampersand Quilt from Imagine Quilts by my pal Dana Bolyard of Old Red Barn Co.
 I love the low volume prints and the little pop of colors making the ampersand.
I love that when you see the quilt up close...
... or all snuggled under it's warmth and crinkly don't see the ampersand...
...until you step away.

I love the quilting!
   Gave it to my pal and coworker Kathleen to work her long-arming what you want pal!
She did and it looks fabulous!
I especially love the back...and that aqua binding.
Can you guess I love it?!!


  1. The quilt looks lively, wish I had a friend with a long arm quilting machine. Great work Dee

  2. You are a busy bee there, Dolores! Nice quilts too :-) I'd look more productive if I didn't keep sewing tops and not making the backs for them... so I'm working on backs at the moment.

  3. This is such a cool quilt! I love how the ampersand is subtle and hidden, and then you step back and see it! And you've met Thomas too, how cool is that. You must share a picture with him. Fab work, as always :-)

  4. I've tried to leave a comment three times and keep hitting the wrong button to publish. Sheesh.

    I love this quilt so very much! It's the best version of Ampersand that I've seen!!! And the quilting is awesome!! If I lived a wee bit closer I would hurry over to your house and steal it. Or at least oogle it with my own eyes. :)

  5. Good to see you're cooking with gas on the finishes this quarter! Loving the makes :o)
