Sunday, September 1, 2013

And Gather We DID!!

Lucky me! Last couple of weeks we have been visiting the girl in the UK and while there we went to Edinburgh, Scotland.....WhooooHOoooo!!
I got to go to The Stitch Gathering organized by the lovely Jo and her equally lovely hubby Jonathan and the crew from Avery Homestore.  Beyond that door was loads of fun!
After the meet and greet and lovely tea we found our secret partner and gave them their nametag....above is mine made by the very, very sweet Jenny....Thanks so much...I love it so!!:)
 Here is the one I made for her daughter Sarah....closed....
 We also received our goodie bags and goodie they were!!! I totally forgot to take a photo but go look here and see all the swag we received and all the fantastic sponsors!!!!
There were many workshops to choose from but since I didn't have a sewing machine I picked the hand sewing workhops and first up was Cathedral Window we are getting ironing instructions from Jo.
 Next up was LUNCH! Check out that spread...and you really can't see all of it!!!
 (My block is second row third from the left...the village go round!:)
Something else we had to do before the Gathering was decorate our fabric ticket we had received in the mail several months ago. Jo is going to sew them all together and make a quilt to raffle at next year's event!  Aren't they all amazing?!!!
 After lunch was the next workshop...Fabric Origami & Japanese Embellishments also taught by was very hard to concentrate because.....
 ....this was some of the view out our classroom windows!! We were on the 6th floor of Edinburgh Napier University at the Morningside campus ! So yes...I didn't get anything finished but I have been working hard to finish at home!
 Origami corsage and embroidered pincushion....yellow rose pin made for me by my other pal Jo...more about that later!;)
Here is the back of the pincushion.  I used a piece of Liberty fabric that I received in my goodie bag...perfect bit of fabric isn't it?:)
But here is one of my fav photos!  Sarah (I made her nametag), Katy Fiona and my dear pal Lynz.  Now that is beautiful!!:)
ps....Jo and Jonathan...thanks for homemade goodness at your place and making the retreat something really, really special!!! xoxoxo


  1. It was lovely to meet you, glad you enjoyed your day! (Totally going on a diet after seeing all those photies!)

  2. I loved the name tag you made Sarah and that bottom picture is brilliant because it has some of my fav' bloggy friends. Only one of which I've met in person sadly!

  3. How wonderful....I read Sarah's blog as well (she never fails to get me laughing). Sounds like you had a fabulous time!!

  4. Hi Dee, how wonderful you went over to see the girl again and managed to go to the stitch gathering! Totally jealous! I have seen the reports on other blogs and it has turned out totally amazing, true to Jo and Jonathan's form. Hope you have had ( or are having) a fab time in the UK and say hi to the girl from me xxx

  5. Oh Dee your holiday was over far to quickly, but so glad you managed to get to the stitch gathering.

  6. You were sneaky taking photos - I didn't see your camera out at all!! Apart from that (awesome!!) last one - I am stealing that. Just so you know. *g* I need one of you three all somewhere in Scotland so I can segue into my stash from YOU and our night out all together. Since we all failed on the photo front. Doh!! Miss you loads! xox

  7. Your pinwheel on the corsage is awesome! It was lovely chatting to you, I am almost finished the hexie kit you donated to goodie bag, great fun

  8. Fabulous post! Love you CW pincushion and your corsage - especially the blanket stitch and all the beads on your pinwheel! Also love the yellow rose pin topper from Jo! Great photo of those girls at the end - I may need to steal that too! It was very hard saying goodbye to you at Pizza Express, but feel very privileged to have had 2 days with you this time xx

  9. I've been thinking about you guys on your trip! This retreat sounds amazing! You lucky girl!

  10. Sounds like a fab trip and you met Lynz! You lucky person :-)
