Thursday, October 24, 2013

Twenty-eight Years?!!

 Last weekend my little bro brought up his portable sawmill and....
...set up shop where a couple years ago hubby had plopped two huge pine logs. 
They did some measuring and calculating...
...adjusting and readjusting....
...then got down to milling lumber that will one day... steps going up to our second floor!:)
 While they were milling....the boy was collecting wood and kindling and making....
 ...a great stone surround so we could have... anniversary fire complete with smores and hot cider compliments of James' friends!:)
Next day hubby and I took a drive over to West Virginia and then back down into Western Virginia and back to our favorite pumpkin patch.
 Nall's never disappoints! I had a hard time not bringing one of those wee gnomes home!
Guard dog?:)
What a perfect weekend...thanks  hubby for 28 years of great weekends!
For those of you going to the International Quilt Festival in Houston....Carly and some of the Webfabrics team will be vendor number 1336 right in the middle of the convention center under the flag....a little bit of me will be there too so go say hi to my wee zippy bag!:)



  1. Happy Anniversay Dee! What a wonderful weekend full of family and fun.

  2. Oaft! 28 years?!? Surely you're not old enough to have that big an anniversary? *g* Here's to another very happy 28. xox

  3. 28 Years!! Happy Anniversary to you both . . . albeit a bit late. :)
