Maybe! My first day of work at fabulous
Webfabrics ended with several inches of snow on the ground before closing! I stroked Moda OZ all afternoon and didn't even notice it coming down until time to the end of it we had another 6" on the ground. Above is the
Moda OZ and the fantastic boat with lovely quarter yard remnants! second day of work...the snow started when I entered the shop. Luckily it didn't start sticking until the afternoon so I was able to play with fabric again! I think my favorite thing to do, other than help customers, is fill orders. I love seeing what everyone else is playing with but I sure wish I could see what they do with it! We are also cutting loads of fabric getting ready for Carly's trip down to Hampton, VA on Feb 25-28 for the
Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival XX so if you live in the area go see Carly and tell her I sent you!:)
The above picture is the "Salad Bar" is filled with very yummy Fat Quarters and new collections. Below is our "Color Wall" where the last bits of collections shine! Alas my fun did not last long for by 2:30 the snow was really coming down and sticking so Don and Maria came to pick me up.
ready for the quilt show in all it's glimmery glory!
Then we woke up to this......

At least 26" of snow at 8am and it is supposed to snow the rest of the day. That plant staff is almost five feet tall, that's about two feet sticking out!

Those little mounds are my three foot tall boxwoods!

Don's little chained up
and loaded with rocks for traction...
kinda scared to open the garage door!
And third day of work...they are calling for more snow! Is it me?;)