Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pumpkin Haunting...I mean Hunting!

The Great Pumpkin....
Weighing in at 1324 lbs...sitting there on his throne with all his little minions!

We had a really hard time picking out a pumpkin...
...but here is our happy wagon load....

And here is our haul
at home!!:)

This little Halloween mini now lives in England...really thought Maria was needing some Witchy love!!
Now to think of something for James!


  1. What a cool little quilt with the spider web background and the little pumpkins on the bottom of her dress! Love it!

  2. YES! I love how you made the spiderwebs from the fabric!! Awesome job!

  3. Or is that what the fabric really looks like? Now I can't tell. It's still cool!

  4. The spiderwebs are fab! Very neat.
    We don't do pumpkins like the US does. We don't have those big carving ones, or pie pumpkins (possibly because Halloween falls close to the start of summer, not harvest season and we don't do pumpkin pie!).

  5. Hello,
    Thanks for share that enormous pumpkin in your blog. Love your quilts
