Ah Leslie....you about did me in with this challenge!
Of course I had to do something different. After the frustration paper piecing the sewing machine I didn't have the heart to piece the draping fabric....
....so I used some draping fabric!;)
Used some clear vinyl to make the jar with off centered lid and stuffed it with tiny buttons. There is yarn on the wonky spool and for some reason a huge indentation on the sewing machine body...I must have had some of Lynda's wine!:)
There was all this empty space under the fabric so.....
...I appliqued a little surprise!
Still trying to perfect my needle turned skills....don't know if the kitty has a funny tooth or he is licking his chops in anticipation!;) Thank you Charise for letting us use your design!
This was a fun challenge true to the word. Next month it's my turn....watch out gang!;)
Participated in this month's Mini QT Swap....Circles and Curves.
Used the tracing wheel...this is the Dritz product we can get in the US.
I do like the wooden handled one better.
The photo was my inspiration.
The mini on the right went to Nan, my swap partner. The mini on the left is hanging in the shop. I used Nan's product Chenille-It for the grass. That stuff is so much fun!
Lastly Halloween bunting flags for a side swap at Mini QT. Little sparkling net pockets.
Serious skulls on one side....
....a little wacky on the other side!
One stayed home and the others are on their way around the world.
Fly little skull flags....fly!